Just kids

Engels | 25-01-2011 | 320 pagina's


Paperback / softback

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Korte beschrijving/Annotatie

Smith's evocative coming of age story of her relationship with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe. A profound portrait of 2 artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience, it's also an unforgettable portrait of New York in the 1960s and 1970s. It won a National Book Award in America. 'The most spellbinding and diverting portrait of funky-but-chic New York in the late '60s and '70s...' }New York Times

Tekst achterflap

Het met de National Book Award bekroonde memoir is het relaas van de vriendschap tussen Patti Smith en Robert Mapplethorpe. 'Just Kids is aansprekend omdat het een beeld geeft van de bruisende periode van eind jaren zestig, begin zeventig, de hoogtijdagen van Leonard Cohen, Charles Bukowski en William Burroughs.' - NRC Handelsblad

A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe - whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art. In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max's Kansas City, Scribner's Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol's Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup. Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.


Het met de National Book Award bekroonde memoir is het relaas van de vriendschap tussen Patti Smith en Robert Mapplethorpe. 'Just Kids is aansprekend omdat het een beeld geeft van de bruisende periode van eind jaren zestig, begin zeventig, de hoogtijdagen van Leonard Cohen, Charles Bukowski en William Burroughs.' - NRC Handelsblad

A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe - whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art. In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max's Kansas City, Scribner's Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol's Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup. Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.


EAN :9780747568766
Uitgever :Bloomsbury Publishing UK
Publicatie datum :  25-01-2011
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :198 mm
Breedte :129 mm
Gewicht :200 gr
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :320
Keywords :  mapplethorpe robert;smith patti